Latest Episodes

E110: Vagus Nerve Exercises with Dr. Kimberly Hindman (part 2)
This episode is full of free, must try tips to increase parasympathetic tone that will offset the highly active sympathetic tone found in many...

E109: Polyvagal Theory and Trauma Release with Dr. Kimberly Hindman (part 1)
Have you wondered why symptoms seem to loop over time? Why you are stuck in hypervigilance when you are safe? If so, this is...

E108: Mel from Texas, a nurse living with POTS after a concussion
Mel's life changed after a concussion that led to more serious POTS symptoms. A nurse, she was struggling with symptoms when she confided in...

E107: Benefits of compounding medications for those with sensitivities with Michelle Briest, PharmD
Many in the POTS and MCAS communities react to medications. Perhaps using a compounding pharmacy that can replace inactive ingredients with alternatives that are...

E106: All Things Pediatric POTS with Dr. Jeff Boris and Dr. Jeff Moak
Dr. Boris and Dr. Moak, true POTS experts, take us through their new review article Pediatric POTS: Where We Stand and discuss developmental issues...

E105: Karen from Missouri, a nurse and mom with POTS symptoms from a young age
Karen has had POTS symptoms for as long as she can remember, and started passing out at age 15. Unfortunately, it took many doctors...