Research Study on The POTScast - please participate!

March 09, 2023 00:02:25
Research Study on The POTScast - please participate!
The POTScast
Research Study on The POTScast - please participate!

Mar 09 2023 | 00:02:25


Hosted By

Cathy Pederson Jill Brook

Show Notes

You can take this IRB approved survey at:


Requirements: You must be 18, have a chronic illness like POTS, and listen to The POTScast or another chronic illness podcast.

Time commitment: Approximately 15 minutes


Kate Pederson and Dr. Melanie Finney are researchers at DePauw University and are interested in how people might use podcasts as a form of social support especially for people who may have invisible or chronic illnesses. The survey will ask questions regarding how and why an individual listens to podcasts, and to what extent they find them helpful. Anyone who is older than 18 years old and chronically ill is eligible to participate in this survey. The survey responses are confidential and completely voluntary. You may stop participation at any time without penalty. If you are interested, please respond to the survey by Friday, April 7, 2023. If you have any questions, you may contact [email protected] or [email protected]. Thank you for your consideration!


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