Latest Episodes

E82: Are Choline Transporters Implicated in Some POTS Patients? with Dr. Laila Schenkel
Dr. Laila Schenkel is a molecular geneticist who specializes in choline transporters. Comparing this transporter in the skin of one POTS patient with controls,...

9th Annual Standing Up to POTS 5K/2K
We invite you to register for the in-person or virtual version of the 9th Annual Standing Up to POTS 5K/2K. 100% of the proceeds...

E81: Katherine from Pennsylvania
Katherine developed POTS secondary to Lyme disease after a tick bite, causing her to complete her senior year of high school online. When at...

E80: Mary Katherine Stratton from Mississippi
Mary Katherine has developed POTS twice - first as a teen and again after COVID. Her PICC line to get intravenous fluids made lifting...

E79: Employment Resources for the Chronically Ill with Chronically Capable CEO and co-Founder Hannah Olson
Hannah has Lyme and POTS, and after working for others for a few years founded her own company - Chronically Capable. Featured by the...

E78: Claire from Australia
Claire developed POTS after a back injury. Work as a paramedic was triggering, and she found that she had to dig herself out of...